Our orthodontist and team provide clear braces to straighten your teeth more discreetly. These braces substitute metal brackets with ceramic ones that blend in with your teeth to give you a less visually prominent treatment. We welcome you to call Frandsen Orthodontics at 801-375-3355 to learn more about clear braces in Orem, Utah, and schedule your consultation with Dr. Ben Frandsen.

Clear, or ceramic, braces are a more discreet option for straightening your teeth and smile. They work the same way that traditional braces do — using a system of bands, brackets and wires to gently and gradually realign your teeth — but are made with ceramic materials that are less obvious. There are several benefits to clear braces, including:

  • A normal appearance throughout your treatment
  • A more comfortable orthodontic treatment than traditional braces

Clear braces are especially popular among teenagers and adults seeking to maintain more professional appearances at work. We are pleased to offer this aesthetic treatment option to help you achieve the healthy, beautiful smile you deserve. We are committed to helping you enjoy your smile as well as reduce your risk of problems such as tooth decay and periodontal disease.

For more information about clear braces and to schedule an appointment with our orthodontist, please contact our office today.